IoT Security: Understanding the Challenges for Enterprises

IoT security, services offered by Victrix

With 57% of enterprise IoT devices vulnerable to attack*, the security of connected devices has become a critical issue for organizations.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands across the enterprise, cyber threats are multiplying, exposing systems to significant risk. It's critical for organizations to understand the issues and implement an IoT security strategy.

*according to Statista

Frequently Asked Questions About the Internet of Things (IoT)
Visual representation of the concept of connected objects.

What Does IoT Mean, and What Is an IoT Security Service?

IoT is short for Internet of Things, and IoT security refers to the protection of devices connected to the network. This type of cybersecurity includes various measures such as:

  • Data encryption
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Access management

These measures ensure that the data collected by your connected objects is protected against threats and intrusions.

Which industries need to secure their IoT systems?

All organizations today use connected devices and should invest in device security solutions. Of course, certain sectors require more connected technologies: transportation, industry, construction, and healthcare, and therefore have more risk factors.

Cybersecurity Threats Connected to the IoT

The more connected objects you have, the greater your attack surface. Having multiple entry points increases your risk of being targeted by a cyberattack. The main threats include:

  • Denial-of-service attacks (Dos/DDos)
  • Malware and ransomware attacks
  • MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks

How Does an IoT Attack Happen?

An IoT attack takes many forms. Cybercriminals target insecure devices, exploit software vulnerabilities, or use social engineering methods to gain access to your network and data storage.

Top 5 Challenges to Securing the Internet of Things in Your Organization

IoT-related security issues are numerous and depend on the number of connected objects within an organization.

The top 5 challenges are:

  • Device diversity and lack of standardization
  • Device resource limitations
  • Update management
  • The complexity of connecting new objects to the Internet and securing them within existing infrastructures
  • Adherence to security and privacy standards

Ready to assess your IoT security?


How do you secure your IoT systems?

1. IoT Assessment and Inventory

The first step is to analyze specific security needs and create a complete inventory of connected objects and associated risks.

2. Designing and Implementing Your Security Architecture

The implementation of your architecture will require the use of specific security measures. These include encryption, authentication, identity and access management, zero-trust architecture, and more.


3. Management, Continuous Monitoring, and Proactive Maintenance

To quickly detect and prevent threats and strengthen the security of your environment, you need to implement continuous monitoring and incident response procedures.


5. Review and Improvement

Finally, the final step is to continually audit and improve the system. Regular audits must be conducted to adjust IoT security measures. Adapting to technological developments and new threats is the key to maximum security.


4. Training and Support

Your employees need to be familiar with best practices to reduce risk and ensure successful security adoption of new technologies.


Victrix, Your IoT Security Consulting Partner

Victrix has positioned itself as a key partner to help organizations secure their IoT networks.

Our approach adapts to the current state of your security assets, and we provide support driven by IoT security experts.

Whether you're at the awareness or inventory level, or looking to strengthen your existing defenses, Victrix will help you transform.

Start your project with Victrix